7. 2. Difference in Levels
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7. 2. Difference in Levels


One of the advantages to gaining experience is that as you gain rank your weapons get closer to the maximum accuracy that is listed when you buy the weapon. Another example of an advantage to experience is if you have a ship that has a Cloaking Device then anyone that is a lower rank than you will not be able to see you. Also if you have a Jump Drive then you will be able to jump closer to the sector that you program into the Jump Computer. So the higher the experience the better your ship will do.


One of the main disadvantages to low experience is that your weapons are less accurate. For example: You might miss a crucial shot when attacking someone of a higher level and they make that crucial shot, because of their higher experience. For those with a Cloaking Device; those people that have a higher rank than you would be able to see you and might decide to attack. For those with Jump Drive; you will have to travel through more space to get to where you were going.

To figure out how accurate your weapons will be based off of your experience level, use this simple formula:

The accuracy of weapons is (Base Accuracy + Level) - DefendersLevel/2

For example: If Sterling at level 25 goes to pod Nariis at level 20, his LJTL will have an accuracy of 89%

7. 2. Difference in Levels
Previous: 7. 1. Experience Levels   Up: 7. Trading   Next: 7. 3. Staying Alive