3. 4. Ik'Thorne
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3. 4. Ik'Thorne

Considering the average Ik'Thorne stands about 11 feet tall, it is no surprise that they are the designers and builders of the large cruisers throughout the galaxy. While there are several other models available, the Ik'Thorne line of battle cruisers and carriers are commonly regarded as the strongest of the ships. However, their weapons are not exceedingly strong, and they usually are forced to go to others to equip the ship with weapons and combat drones. The Ik'Thorne like stability. They don't care as much if they are at war with someone or at peace, but just like things to be consistent. Races who are constantly changing their views on things annoy them. This is probably due to their extremely long life spans. While they have butted heads with the Thevians and the Salvene over the centuries, they maintain no outstanding "enemies." However, their empire is often attacked and plundered for its wealth and knowledge, so they are drawn into many conflicts.

The specialty of the Ik'Thorne race is the use of combat drones. Instead of depending upon a lot of armor to protect their ships, they rely instead on large quantity of combat drones to protect their ships in case of an attack.

3. 4. Ik'Thorne
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