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Rosenkreuz     Ruckess
Views: 1354
Location: Alberta, Canada
Website: N/A
Birthdate: 27 / 12 / 1983
Other Info: N/A


[2009-11-21 5:22:28 AM] <System> *** Picture added
[2010-09-15 12:16:14 AM] <ZARELDA BRIGHTLIGHT> Is it me or does he look a little like Vin Desel?
[2010-10-08 3:38:53 PM] <ACombatDrone> HE DOES!
[2011-01-04 10:40:44 PM] <Ruckess> I am Vin Deisel
[2011-03-31 7:55:06 AM] <Tah Murdah> dunno...maybe if there was no dog toy in his mouth than i could tell u...but yea im thinkin so...even looks like the eye shine from pitch black
[2011-10-04 7:20:22 PM] <Ecks> lmao i was thinking the same thing bout deisel b4 i scrolled down
[2015-01-11 3:43:41 PM] <System> *** Picture changed
[2015-01-12 6:09:29 PM] <System> *** Picture changed
[2015-01-15 7:29:01 AM] <Ruckess> GONE FISHING!!!!
[2015-03-02 7:55:04 PM] <Aendar> nice shorts
[2015-05-27 10:58:09 AM] <Ruckess> Flashy and drafty!!!!
[2015-06-03 6:23:18 AM] <System> *** Picture changed
[2015-06-14 1:45:37 AM] <System> *** Picture changed
[2015-07-29 4:02:14 AM] <neto> Ruckonian Mercenary!
[2015-07-29 5:13:36 AM] <neto> Best leader ever!!! After HK of course.... :)

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