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milly22     missy bratt
Views: 1194
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[2010-02-10 9:06:15 AM] <System> *** Picture added
[2010-02-19 4:55:05 AM] <Red Rocket> Helloooo Baby.......
[2010-03-30 4:05:39 AM] <missy bratt> please call me..i have been trying to contact you. I need to explain
[2010-05-22 4:50:41 AM] <Ress> wow? she still play?
[2010-06-16 1:22:24 PM] <Dr Jekyll> nice pic...
[2010-06-26 4:25:31 AM] <Smokey McPot> <---
[2010-06-26 4:26:54 AM] <Smokey McPot> Marry me missy :)
[2010-06-26 4:27:12 AM] <Smokey McPot> I'm joining your alliance everytime btw
[2010-07-30 6:37:27 AM] <cnh25> lolol
[2010-11-19 5:24:40 PM] <EstoyLoco> CNH!!!!
[2011-05-03 2:33:12 PM] <Dr Jekyll> nice
[2011-10-09 10:13:32 PM] <RIP_Ryan_Dunn> God damn she is sexy as hell in this pic
[2012-03-24 6:16:53 AM] <Truth_Be_Thy_Destroyer> Please read above comments then ask again why we cant get more females to play SMR.
[2012-10-27 12:48:50 AM] <XDemonX> Thats cnh?
[2012-12-17 3:25:05 PM] <d5greene> Cnh always looked good to me

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